Understanding bounce types Print

  • 18

Bounced emails are messages that could not be delivered due to an error.

When viewing the bounce report for a sent campaign you may notice that there are three types of bounces: HARD BOUNCES, SOFT BOUNCES and INTERNAL BOUNCES

A hard bounce is a permanent error such as an email address that does not exist. When a subscriber hard bounces they will be automatically blacklisted to prevent sending to them again.

A soft bounce is a temporary issue with the recipients email account, usually because their email inbox is over-quota so cannot receive more email or has been disabled perhaps for not paying their bills. The error message received from the receiving mail server will be displayed. Soft bounces do not indicate a fault, for that see internal bounces. BoltMail will continue to try to send to these accounts for a few days before giving up. BoltMail takes no action against these types of bounces, the subscriber will remain on your list.

These are similar to soft bounces in that they indicate a temporary issue, however these issues indicate an error somewhere. This could be a problem with your email, a technical fault with our server, or a fault with the receiving server. If we cannot determine the reason for a bounce these will also show as internal bounces. Possible issues include your email message being rejected as spam, rate limiting due to sending too many emails, or a technical issue such as an overloaded receiving mail server, a connection timeout or other network fault. If the receiving mail server responded with an error message then this will be displayed. In most cases BoltMail will continue to try to send to these accounts for a few days before giving up. BoltMail takes no action against these types of bounces, the subscriber will remain on your list.

If you are receiving a significant number of INTERNAL BOUNCES, especially if no error message is provided, this indicates a problem and you should contact us immediately. Email us [email protected]

See also:
What are blacklisted contacts?



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