Send a campaign to subscribers who have or haven't opened a previous campaign Print

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You can send a followup campaign to target subscribers based on their interaction with a previous campaign. You can target them based on whether they have opened the email, or whether they have clicked a link in the email.

To do this you must first create a segment to match the subscribers based on the interaction you want to target and then send a campaign to that segment.

To create the segment navigate to Lists -> Lists, then click on your list. Then click on Segments and click the 'Create new' button to create a new segment.

Give the segment a name and then under "Conditions that apply to the campaigns sent to the list this segment belongs to:" click the "+" button to add a new condition.

Select the "Campaign action" you wish to target, for example to target subscribers who have opened a campaign choose "Open". Next choose the Campaign, only campaigns sent to this list are shown. Finally you can choose a time period to match, the default will match subscribers who opened the campaign within the last 60 days.

Click Save changes, then click the "Show matching subscribers" button to check that your segment is working.

Now you can send a campaign to this segment.

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