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How to install your FREE SSL certificates Print

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You can install free SSL Certificates from Let's Encrypt or ZeroSSL

Please note that you can only generate free SSL Certificates for websites that you host on our servers, this will not work for domains hosted elsewhere.

To do this log into your Direct Admin control panel at And if you have multiple domains click on the domain you wish to work with.

First you need to ensure that your domain has SSL enabled.

  1. Click on Domain Setup
  2. Click on the domain
  3. Make sure that Secure SSL is ticked
  4. Save your changes
  5. Now click the private html setup link (top right)
    You can choose to have different content served under https to what is served under http or you can choose to have the same content.
    If you would like the same website content served under https and http then make sure that Use a symbolic link from private_html to public_html - allows for same data in http and https is selected.
    Or if you would prefer to have different content choose Use a directory named private_html. If you choose this option then upload your secure content into the private_html folder.

Now you are ready to create an SSL certificate.

  1. Return to Home
  2. Under click on SSL Certificates
  3. Select the option for Get automatic certificate from ACME Provider
  4. Tick any additional sub-domains that you would like to secure. If you would like to secure then make sure that the www option is ticked.
  5. Click Save.

That's it! You do not need to worry about re-newing your free certificates, this will be handled for you automatically.

Set up a redirect to send all http traffic to https

To ensure that all traffic to your website is secured you will need to redirect traffic from to

  1. Click on Domain Setup
  2. Click on the domain
  3. Make sure that Force SSL with https redirect is ticked.
  4. Click Save

Also if your website has any domain pointers you will need to ensure that these redirect to the domain for which your certificate was issued.

  1. Click on Domain Setup
  2. Click on the domain
  3. Where it says Force Redirect select the domain that you want to use as the primary domain for your website
  4. Click Save

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